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Saturday, April 9, 2011

Second day of blogging!! :)

Well it's 7 am and I'm up because of the beautiful sunshine coming through my window.  It's going to be a beautiful warm spring like day here in Ontariario:)
I keep thinking about living in Pedasi, Panama permanently where the temps rarely go below 75 degrees and I wonder if I will miss the change of seasons. I do know one thing I won't miss WINTER!! I do like Spring though, with all the  buds starting to pop out and the cleaning up outside and getting the patio furniture out of storage, but I also look forward to never having to take them IN FOR THE WINER and always having beautiful flower blooms to look at when I glance out of my window! Sigh! Miss the change of seasons??....Heck No!! lol

Well yesterday we had to go and get our 'international drivers licenses'..For some reason the Panamanians don't believe that we really can drive, so we need to get this formality done and after 6 months of living in Panama you need to go and get your 'real' one. You have to take an eye test like here and a blood test! Yup..a blood test...can't figure that one out yet, lol
Well knowing that they will take a picture of me for the new license I put a little more 'puff' in the hair, a litte makeup to hide the ever growing 'lines of wear', and some nice lipstick to top it all off.
Yup! I looked pretty darn good I must say.
What the hell happens to the pic then?????
As soon as you sit down and they snap that god awful excuse for a camera something happens! It morphs you into this old hag who looks like she just crawled out of bed with the 'flat' hair, no make up and lips that are black in colour!
I even asked if she could make me look like Angelina Jolie and she said she would try but she didn't have her 'putty' with her..I don't know what she meant by that, but I don't really think it was complimentary, lol.
Of course when my very handsome hubby sits down to get his done, his turns out wonderful and he looks even better than he does in real life...What the heck?
I'ts a conspiracy I say.......a CONSPIRACY!!

That license is home now and stored away in in a place where only I know where to find it..lol and I can only hope and pray that only the people at the airport need to have a boo at that ugly excuse for a picture.
Sometimes there is not enough wine in the world for me to make it though the day, lol  (wink, Katie) 

Going outside now to pick up mounds and mounds of branches that have fallen during our dreadful winter and perhaps having a bon fire as well.
My Daffodils are perking their heads up out of the ground too. It's a good thing!

I hope something exciting happens to me today, but one thing for sure...there will be a glass of wine waiting for me after my exhausting day filled with such physical labour, lol

Chat tomorrow!

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