On Friday we went into Chitre to look for a truck/4 wheel drive to buy. It is a little difficult to do this when we have a language barrier, but there was always one person in each dealership that we could get to translate for us.
We wanted to buy a year old truck but we learned that it was very difficult to purchase used. We found only one in the three dealerships that we went to.
We did find the trucks are not a lot cheaper but they are a bit as the tax is lower and they don't charge freight and delivery.
One thing I found hilarious was that when you buy your vehicle you may or may not get a license plate as sometimes they don't make enough, so you can MAKE YOUR OWN!! LOL
Yup you read it right. You can make a plate and as long as the numbers match what they put on the sticker on your front window then you are good to go. You can make them out of whatever you want. I am still smiling at this one.
Could we do this in North America? I think not!
We didn't buy yet as Don wants to check out the Ford dealership that we couldn't find on Friday so we will go back to Chitre tomorrow.
Our Candian Surfers in the Parade |
We left the parade and then went to our new friend Joaquim's Hamburger cart in town to have one of the best burgers in town. He also sells Burrito's and they are delicious as well.
All for $2.25 plus a drink. Of course Don had one of each..being the dainty fella he is:)
Yesterday we went into Playa Venao where the Surfing competiton takes place. Now that was so great seeing surfers as I have never seen this before. These guys are crazy. They could hurt themselves, lol.
They had a huge Red Cross tent there and a helicopter running just in case. This tells me it may be a tad dangerous.
We left there and were invited to our friends who live in our development, Pierre and Beth, for a spaghetti dinner to meet our other neighbours who live there as well.
It was a fun night with laughter, great food and lots of wine.
Our development is going to be full of such tremendous people. I can't wait to get into our home, but for the interim we are staying at our friend Kevin's home which is absolutelty perfect for us.
He is such a great guy who is very accommodating and does his best to make us comfortable.
Sadie is getting used to it slowly. I feel so sorry for her as we have dragged her half way across the world and she hasn't a clue what is going on. She hardly eats, but I know she will be ok and will adjust.
Today we went into Las Tablas to open a bank account that we were told would be such a chore.
It turned out to be a breeze. Don forgot a couple of pieces of paper otherwise it would have been set up immediately but will be done tomorrow after we bring the necessary paperwork.
Now we are just sitting outside with Kevin enjoying a cold beverage.
I wanted to post a video of Sadie chasing a crab on the beach today but it wouldn't download, as the internet is a bit slow here.
Thank you for reading, and 'Stay in the Light'
P.S I forgot to mention to you that when we landed at the airport in Panama our friend Kevin was waiting for us and when he went over to pay the attendant for his parking at the airport, we went and said we would take care of it as he was good enough to pick us up. I asked him how much and it was....get ready for this.....48 cents...Yup .48 cents.
In Toronto it would have been close to $20.
Panama rocks!!! LOL
OK !!! Here is a good tip .. My wine has just been increased due to new taxes SO CUT IT OUT with the pricing everything !!!!!!!! lol
Very interested to read about all this socialising you are suffering & eagerly look forward to the merest mention of any work beng done . Although with expenses running at their current level perhaps that need is some way off . LOL
Wishing you continued fun in the sun CD !! xx
Thanks for taking the time to write about your experience. We all learn from it. You are the best.
I am glad Sadie became a successful wall jumper, maybe the drugs helped her in her ordeal, lol
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